UnUsUaL Limited Founders Bought $10 Million Worth of mm2 Asia’s Shares
1. UnUsUaL Limited Founders- Leslie Ong and Johnny Ong each purchased $5 million worth of shares from mm2 Asia’s Executive Chairman -...
Acquisition of Interest in the Shares in the Share Capital of the Target Holding Company - Completio
The board of directors (the “Directors”) of mm2 Asia Ltd. (the “Company”, and together with its subsidiaries, the “Group”) refers to the...

mm2 Asia & UnUsUaL Roll Out Revamped mm2 Group Red Carpet Club with Ronghao Li’s An Ideal World
mm2 Group Red Carpet Club now for shareholders of the Group with minimum holding of 1,000 shares Shareholder perks include invites to...
UnUsUaL Successfully Lists on the SGX Catalist Board at a Market Cap of $128 million, Anchored by SP
96,990,000 placement shares were subscribed at $0.20 per share Singapore, 10 April 2017 – UnUsUaL Limited, an indirect subsidiary of mm2...

UnUsUaL Limited IPO!
Listing on 10 April 2017, 9am mm2 Asia is proud to announce the IPO of our subsidiary Unusual Limited on SGX Catalist on 10 April 2017...

新民日报 - 飞凡娱乐挂牌后 演唱会场数将倍数增长
This article was originally published on Shinmin Daily on 7 April 2017 and can be found here. 文/康秀金摄影/庄耿闻 来自/新明日报...

UnUsUaL Limited - Placement of 96,990,000 Placement Shares at S$0.20 each, Payable in Full on Appica
#Announcement #2017Announcement #UnUsUaL #2017 #IPO

The Edge Markets - An Entertainment Group that Dreams Big, and Goes for It
This article was originally published on The Edge Markets on 7 April 2017 here. By: Michelle Zhu 07/04/17, 12:27 pm SINGAPORE (April 7):...
UnUsUaL Limited - Listing Confirmation
ADMISSION OF 643,237,059 ORDINARY SHARES TO THE OFFICIAL LIST OF SGX-CATALIST Effective Date and Time of the event: 10/4/2017 09:00:00...
CIMB Securities - A Head Full of Dreams
This report was originally published by CIMB Securities on 6 April 2017. Read the full report here. #Inthenews #UnUsUaL #2017 #2017IntheNews